Sunday, June 11


I stumbled upon this restaurant online, called Vapiano, that I went to in Hamburg. It was so yummy that Flin and I ate there, I think, 5 times...I don't suggest going to this extreme but it does speak about how good the food is....

They set up the restaurant up in a very interesting way:

1. Enter restaurant and everyone receives a electronic card
2. You walk up to one of the many food stations
3. Pick what you want to eat
4. Chefs quickly prepare your food in front of you...usually, they are very friendly and will chat with you...
5. Take your food to one of the large tables where I loved to people-watch and listen to German conversations...I know, I am nosey...
6. As you exit, they swipe your card and you pay at the door. For an extra treat, there is a bowl of Hairbo gummis at the door...

They seem to being spreading like wildfire throughout Germany, so I recommend to any German expats out there to try it out...


*I linked the website to the title of this post if anybody wants detailed directions...*


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