Monday, August 14

Wann wirst du endlich erwachsen?

literally translated:

"when will you become grown up?"

my answer to this question is still to be determined but in nine days, I feel that the answer will be become ever more present because I am leaving Mills to join the real world. I am in the midst of packing up all my stuff and taking care of loose ends as you can see in these three pictures.

When I was packing last night, I found an old blue and white checkered summer dress that I remember wearing 5 years ago, when I was still in MN, to a friend's confirmation. I remember, at this moment I was so excited to be graduating from high school and also, that this dress was brand new, which made me feel so pretty.

Now, I look at this dress and I see two things. I see how far I have come in (1) my taste in clothing and more importantly, (2) my growth here at Mills. I guess, last night, I realized in this dress and with packing up all of my things that I am going into a new phase just like I did 4 years ago, and while I don't know what I will be doing in the next four years, I know that I will look back and think of how much I have grown. What I do know is that my adventures in HH and elsewhere will be an important part in answering the question of when I become grown up.

After several hours of packing, I took this picture in my realization that I am heading to Hamburg in 2.5 weeks :) So excited!


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