Wednesday, April 19

100 Things...

100 Things about case you wanted to know...

1. Earthquakes completely scare me.

2. I prefer to sleep with my contact lens in...I know, yuck...but I prefer not to wake up with fuzzy vision.

3. People think that I am a German at the language school that I work at.

4. I dress completely like an American and still have a Minnesotan accent (even after 4 years).

5. I am glad I grew up in Minnesota but I don't really miss living there.

6. I have a bit of guilt for not missing Minnesota more.

7. I am glad that my family moved to California.

8. One of my favorite things to do in my freetime is to visit to a grocery store and just walk around looking at everything.

9. I think I like grocery stores because I went grocery shopping with my mom when I was little.

10. My mom and I are super close.

11. I plan on keeping my relationship with my family close.

12. I am starting to feel the urge to start a family with getting a dog and someday, having kids.

13. Other days, I want to explore the world by myself.

14. I wanted to live in Europe for a bit.

15. I want to be a cosmetic dentist.

16. I hate going to the dentist, though.

17. I received a Biochemistry degree at Mills College...yes, I am a science nerd.

18. I am an avid reader, baker and knitter.

19. I act older than my true age.

20. I have been making lots of mistakes lately but I am learning.

21. I love the sun and the beach.

22. I am afraid how powerful water is.

23. I think that I should take swimming lessons again-I dropped out at the age of 8.

24. I hated putting my head in the pool.

25. I got my dog, a beagle, when I was 8.

26. Her name was Rose and she was the best dog that I could've ever asked for.

27. I wish I would have appreciated her more, but I was only 8.

28. My cat Victoria is great, a little sassy but great.

29. I hate scary movies-I refuse to watch them.

30. My favortie book series as a kid was Besty, Tacy, and Tib by Maud Hart Lovelace.

31. Scary but true: I watched Martha Stewart Living when I was little.

32. I love to sleep.

33. I have to sleep to get rid of a migraine.

34. I hate migraines.

35. I hate when I know more about the medicine then the doctor does.

36. I love little things in life.

37. I love Florian because he loves the little things in life.

38. I am so glad that Rebekah asked to come over to the EF party that night in January.

39. I believe in fate and a greater force in life.

40. I believe there was a house on Miracle Lane for a reason.

41. I need Post-its everyday.

42. I am picky in choosing pencils and pens.

43. I live by having everything in proportion-eating, drinking, sleeping, studying.

44. I am good driver.

45. I am gulliable-I think it is from growing up in the Midwest.

46. I am a good "meet-the-parents" girlfriend.

47. I love to play multiple-player Solitare.

48. I love to travel.

49. I like to have a background on the places I visit before I go there.

50. I hope to be fluent in German one day.

51. I have gone kayaking twice in my life.

52. I rather hang out with a few friends at a lounge than go to a huge club.

53. I wrote my thesis on the bacteria and molecules found inside your mouth.

54. I used to scrapbook every Friday night in high school.

55. I went to a frat once in college-it was a fun time but that was enough.

56. I have very vivid dreams.

57. I am a super procrastinator if I am not careful.

58. I met my boyfriend after he won the beer drinking contest-so cliche, I know.

59. I will eat almost anything-other than preztels and stuffed peppers.

60. Chocolate is always a good thing to me.

61. I wish I was taller.

62. This summer I am studying worm's genes.

63. Coffee is now essential to my mornings.

64. I have a wonderful sense of direction (unless I am in Las Vegas).

65. I get flustered easily.

66. Then, I blush.

67. I like to send presents any day of the year to loved ones.

68. I hate asking for presents-too awkward.

69. I prefer to stay up late than wake up early.

70. I go to a women's college and I am thankful for it.

71. I prefer classes with only women-no offense, guys.

72. I have conquered the public transportation system here in SF.

73. I love to receive emails but I am horrible at sending emails.

74. I love any thing with peppermint.

75. I didn't get drunk on my 21st.

76. I have been to Europe three times.

77. When I was in Paris (my 1st time to Europe), I thought I was in Disneyland.

78. I love how Europeans dress.

79. I try but I still look American.

80. I prefer the American spirit of independence, though.

81. I have creative streaks...lately, it is been photography and knitting.

82. I thought I would be a baker in high school.

83. Before that, I thought I would be a paleontologist.

84. My favorite TV show, when I was little, was "Inspector Gadget".

85. I tend to blurt out phases that tend to sound funnier than what I originally meant.

86. i.e."What I really need now is a big, fat brat" among friends--they took it the wrong way.

87. I can be witty.

88. Daydreaming is a everyday occurance for me.

89. I grew up playing Legos.

90. I am trying to quit biting my nails.

91. I excerise to relax.

92. But when I am stressed, I stop excerising to spend more time on school. Ironic.

93. I attach feelings to everything. Apples, strawberries, animals, etc.

94. I love when guys wear cologne, but I don't like to wear perfume.

95. SF was a good culture shock for me.

96. Although, Californians talk too much sometimes. My ears hurt.

97. I am now Californian, though.

98. I am thankful for everything and I love how life comes together.

99. I am very retrospective of everything I do.

100. I love being a multi-tasker.


At 9:02 PM, Blogger Peggy W said...

In re: item 20:
I understand that the 3M company REWARDS mistakes. They believe that if you aren't making mistakes, you aren't learning. Post it notes were a "mistake." Now that's making lemonade out of lemons! (See item 40 too!)


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